Cheryl Lester

Cheryl Lester
  • Associate Professor Emerita

Contact Info


I research 20th century US literature, particularly southern, African American, and Jewish. I have also taught aging in films of the neoliberal era. My publications on prose writings by William Faulkner focus on their construction of literary geography and racial formation in the changing Jim Crow South.


20th-century U.S. literature, literary and cultural theory, William Faulkner

Selected Publications

Edited Collections and Translations:

Social Work Practice With a Difference: A Literary Approach, co-editor with Alice Lieberman, multi-authored volume (McGraw Hill, 2003).

The Literary Absolute: The Theory of Literature in German Romanticism, by Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and Jean-Luc Nancy, co-editor and translator with Philip Barnard (Intersections: Philosophy and Critical Theory SUNY series, eds. Rodolphe Gasché and Mark C. Taylor. (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1988).

“From Women:  A Novel, by Philippe Sollers,” introduction and translation, Yale French Studies (1988): 163-184.  (With Philip Barnard.)

Selected Journal Articles and Book Chapters:

"'What the Future Will Now Bring Forth': Reminiscing for Posterity in The Reivers." Fifty Years after Faulkner: Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 2012. Ed. Jay Watson and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson, MS: University of Mississippi Press. In progress.

"Modernist Narration and Everyday Life in The Sound and the Fury." Critical Insights: The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Taylor Hagood. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, May 2014. 115-128.

"'Same as a Nigger on an Excursion': Memphis, Black Migration, and White Flight in Sanctuary." Ed. Peter Lurie. Special issue on Faulkner and the Metropolis. The Faulkner Journal 26.1 (Spring 2012): 37-56.

"The Past Is Never Dead: Reading As I Lay Dying for Our Time." Approaches to Teaching As I Lay Dying. Ed. Patrick O’Donnell and Linda Zwinger. Approaches to Teaching World Literature. New York, NY: Modern Language Association of America, 2011. 33-47.

“From Place to Place in The Sound and the Fury: The Syntax of Interrogation,” Modern Fiction Studies 34.2 (2010): 358-374. Reprint. In John N. Duvall, ed., Faulkner and His Critics (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins UP, 2010): 358-374.

“Changing the Subject of Place in Faulkner,” in Richard Moreland, ed., A Companion to William Faulkner. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture #47. (Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 2007). 202-219.

 “From Columbine to Red Lake: Tragic Provocations for Advocacy: 2005 MAASA Presidential Address,” in American Studies 47. 1 (Spring 2006): 133-153.

“As They Lay Dying: Rural Depopulation and Social Dislocation as a Structure of Feeling,” in The Faulkner Journal. Special Issue on Faulkner and Ideology. Kevin Railey, ed., 21.1&2 (Spring 2005/ Fall 2006): 28-50.

 “Fifteen Ways of Looking at the Bundrens,” Center for Faulkner Studies Website, Robert Hamblin and Peter Froehlich, eds., Southeast Missouri State University, Fall 2005.

“Make Room for Elvis,” in John Duvall, Ann Abadie and Donald Kartiganer, eds., Faulkner and Postmodernism: Proceedings of the 26th Annual Yoknapatawpha Conference (University of Mississippi Press, 2002). 143-166.

“Make Room for Elvis,” Faulkner Journal of Japan 2 (June 2000). 17 January 2001.

“Meditations on a Bird in the Hand: Ethics and Aesthetics in a Parable by Toni Morrison,” in Marc Conner, ed., The Aesthetics of Toni Morrison: Speaking the Unspeakable (University of Mississippi Press, 2000). 125-138.

“Make Room for Elvis,” translated by Ikuko Fujihira, Faulkner Journal of Japan 2 (June 2000): 64-76.

If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem and the Great Migration: History in Black and White,” in Faulkner in Cultural Context: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Yoknapatawpha Conference, ed. by Ann Abadie and Donald Kartiganer.  (University of Mississippi Press, 1997). 191-227.

“Racial Awareness and Arrested Development: The Sound and the Fury and the First Great Migration (1915-28),” in The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner, ed. by Philip Weinstein (Cambridge University Press, 1994). 123-145.

“From Place to Place in The Sound and the Fury: The Syntax of Interrogation,” Modern Fiction Studies 34.2 (1988): 141-156.

“To Market, To Market: The Portable Faulkner,” Criticism 29.3 (1987):  371-392.

Web/Online Materials and Products

"Adaptation of William Faulkner's Light in August." With James B. Carothers, Theresa Towner, et al., eds. The Digital Yoknapatawpha Project: a born-digital critical database, network visualization, interactive map, and timeline. Stephen Railton, ed. Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the University of Virginia.

"Adaptation of William Faulkner's "That Evening Sun"." With Julie Napolin and Steven E. Knepper, eds. The Digital Yoknapatawpha Project: a born-digital critical database, network visualization, interactive map, and timeline. Stephen Railton, ed. Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the University of Virginia.

Awards & Honors

K. Barbara Schowen Undergraduate Research Award, Honorable Mention, University of Kansas. (Spring 2013)Excellence in Community-Based Teaching and Scholarship Award, Kansas Campus Contact. (2011)
Center for Teaching Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching (2001)
W.T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence (1998)
Center for Teaching Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (1998)
NEH fellowship (1997)