Sean Kamperman

Sean Kamperman
  • Assistant Professor


My teaching and research explore how professional communication coordinates social relations and influences the sharing of resources, space, and power. I am particularly interested in assessing the role of genre and other professional norms in the social construction of disability. 

I co-direct the KU AI & Digital Literacy Institute, which focuses on promoting critical AI literacy.


Ph.D. in Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy, Ohio State University
M.A. in Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy, Ohio State University
B.A. in Rhetoric & Writing, University of Texas


Areas of Research: Professional and technical writing, Disability studies, Rhetorical theory, Community literacy, Digital media studies


Teaching Interests

  • Professional and technical writing
  • Disability studies
  • Biomedical and neuroscientific rhetoric
  • Nonprofit writing
  • Digital media composing
  • Qualitative methods

Selected Publications

Kamperman, S. (July 2024). “Gateways and Anchor Points: The Use of Frames to Amplify Marginalized Voices in Disability Policy Deliberations.” Written Communication, 41(3). 

Kamperman, S. (2022). “Reflections on Research as it Unfolds: Inclusive Tactics as a Methodological Intervention.” In C. Molloy and L. Melonçon (Eds.), Strategic Interventions in Mental Health Rhetoric (33-50). Routledge. 

Kamperman, S. (2020). “Recognizing the Métis of Learners with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities in College Composition.” Disability Studies Quarterly, 40(1).

Grants & Other Funded Activity

“AI and Digital Literacy: Toward an Inclusive and Empowering Teaching Practice” (Teacher Institute). National Endowment for the Humanities Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities, June 2025. Co-applicant with Kathryn Conrad.