Korbin Jones

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Korbin received his Bachelor of Arts in Writing: Creative Writing & Publishing and in Spanish from Northwest Missouri State University (Spring 2018). He is currently pursuing his MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Kansas (Spring 2021). He has been nominated for a Lambda Literary Award, a Pushcart Prize, the Best Small Fictions Anthology, and Best Microfiction. Though mostly focusing on free verse, lyrical, and narrative poetry, Korbin also works in literary translation, fabulism, and nonfiction. His scholarly interests include queerness, trauma, Latin America (specifically Paraguay), folklore, multimodal rhetoric, and the Guaraní language. Publications include SFO: Photos and Poetry about San Francisco, which he translated from Spanish (Tolsun Books 2019); songs for the long night., his debut collection of poetry (QueerMojo 2019); and “MOONSICK,” an epic poem in the form of a chapbook (Finishing Line Press 2020). Korbin also founded Fearsome Critters: A Millennial Arts Journal, where he is currently the editor-in-chief.