James Carothers

- Professor Emeritus
Contact Info
Biography —
My scholarship is traditional, grounded in the aim of adding to the collective understanding of particular texts and larger issues within the career of a single author. Within Faulkner studies, my most important work has been on the short stories, but I have also attempted to elucidate the comic and humorous elements of Faulkner’s fiction, and to serve as expositor and advocate for his often-neglected later fiction. At present I am gathering materials for a monograph on that aspect of the subject. I have also done research and made presentations on Hemingway and Fitzgerald, and have tried to keep current in studies of modernism and of comedy and humor. My interest continues in the literature of baseball, which began in my effort to apply conventional methods of academic analysis to a voluminous popular culture subject.
Research —
Short fiction and articles and reviews on modern fiction (Faulkner, Hemingway), American humorists, Modernism, and baseball in American literature.
Selected Publications —
Reading Faulkner’s Collected Stories with Theresa M. Towner (University Press of Mississippi, 2006).
Williams Faulkner’s Short Stories (UMI Research Press, 1985).
“’In Conflict with Itself’: the Nobel Prize Address in Faulknerian Context,” Faulkner: The Returns of the Text, eds. Annette Trefzer and Ann J. Abadie. (UPMiss, 2011).
“Comprehending Faulkner’s Humor” with Kimma Jean Sheldon. Mississippi Quarterly, 60.3 (2007): 437-60.
Selected Presentations —
“Harry’s Mapping in ‘The Snows of Kilimanjaro,’” 14th Biannual Hemingway Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland (July 1, 2010).
“Baseball Facts and Baseball Fictions” [keynote address]
13th Annual Baseball in Literature and Culture Conference, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN (March 26, 2010).
“Hemingway and Faulkner Once More,” 13th Biannual International Hemingway Conference, Kansas City, MO (June 20, 2008).
“’That Was It’: Towards a Confessional Reading of The Sun Also Rises,” 12th Biannual International Hemingway Conference, Ronda, Spain (June 2006)
Awards & Honors —
University Honors Program Faculty Fellow (1997-2005)
J. Michael Young Academic Advising Award (2002)
William T. Kemper Teaching Fellowship (2001)