Emma Webster

Emma Webster
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant


Emma Webster is a PhD student in English literature. She is interested in the intersection where women's writing, disability, illness, the body, and performance meet in Gothic literature from the late eighteenth century to today. Emma obtained her bachelor's degree in English from McKendree University in Lebanon, Illinois and her master's degree in English literature from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Her most recent project-in-progress is a collaborative work with her colleagues, Jess House and Devoney Looser—an annotated, student-facing transcription of "Ithuriel," an anonymous 1798 manuscript with emendations by Jane Porter, considered to be an early example of women's science fiction.


B.A. in English, McKendree University
M.A. in English Literature, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Selected Publications

"Feminine Faculties and Faults: Exploring the Male Appropriation of Hysteria in Nineteenth Century American Literature," May 2022.

Selected Presentations

“‘Yes, I Know the Author:’” Charles Brockden Brown’s Multiple and Retroactive Implied Audiences.” Pennsylvania College English Association "Narrative Matters" Conference at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. 25 April 2024.

“Dreadful Origins: The Penny Dreadful’s Influence on Contemporary Pop Culture Monsters.” The Hall Center for the Humanities at the University of Kansas. 25 October 2023.

“Curses and Conflict: Fantastical Depictions of Disability in LambCat's ‘Cursed Princess Club.’” University of Florida Graduate Comics Organization Annual Conference. 15 April 2023.

Awards & Honors

The Dr. Anne Marie Turner Award for outstanding research in the field of American literature, 2024

The Kenneth Rockwell Award for excellence in the study of literature, 2023; 2024